Friday, June 26, 2009

The Death of the King

With the recent death of a "famous" singer in California and the worldwide outpouring of grief at his passing, need I say anything about the death of a "famous" teacher, or about the deaths of hundreds of thousands of "unknowns" who changed this world and the people in it for the better? When the final analysis is complete, is a person's "music" the defining factor or is it their "character" and "relationships." Does all the good that a person performs outweigh their negative actions?

How does this relate to the Bible? The recent news simply accentuates the difference in values between those who "love the world and the things in the world" and those "have the love of God in them." When entertainment value is the defining factor, our value system is in need of a new compass.


  1. How do we barter truth to those trading in cow patties?

  2. The only way to make an exchange using the barter system is to make certain that the "other" wants what we have to exchange with them. If a person has a taste for "cow patties" we need to help them see that what we have to offer "tastes" better.
    Thanks for the quote, my 17 year old thinks it's great!
