Thursday, October 20, 2011

Having Fun with Habakkuk

Just finished two days on Habakkuk, which is much better than two day old halibut. What really surprised me this time around was the amazing description of God in 1.12-14 and again in chapter 3.  I wonder how much our perspective on God would change if we only stopped to read and consider what these small books at the end of the Christian Old Testament actually say about God.  Here's the snippets.

 Are You not from  everlasting, 
O LORD, my God, my Holy One? (1.12, NAS95)
Your eyes are too  pure to  approve evil, 
And You can not look on wickedness with favor. (1.13)
LORD, I have  heard  the report about You and  fear. 
O LORD,  revive  Your work in the midst of the years, 
In the midst of the years make it known; 
In wrath remember mercy.  (3.2)
His  splendor covers the heavens, 
And the  earth is full of His praise. (3.3)
He stood and surveyed the earth; 
He looked and  startled the nations. 
Yes, the perpetual mountains were shattered, 
The ancient hills  collapsed. 
His ways are  everlasting. (3.6)
You went forth for the  salvation of Your people, 
For the salvation of Your  anointed. (3.13)

God is Everlasting and Pure, Full of Mercy and Majesty. He stands for his people, not against them.  What a concept to consider God Almighty from a prophet's viewpoint.