Secondly and more importantly, the response of the nation to this tragedy is tragic. At the timeline of school shootings , there is a list of shootings around the world since 1996 reports 219 deaths in school situations during the past 14 years. Why does this shooting get such a report?????
Finally, and more to the point, the solutions proposed have not yet reached my ear and been deemed plausible. Each time a situation arises, the call goes out for more regulation, more laws, more this, more that. Some external device is called to blame: a video game, a movie, a talk show host, a blog. None of these can be solved, nor are empirical. There is something at the heart of the matter that escapes the public media. Humans are sinful. Without a change of values or attitudes through a faith in Jesus, no "external" pressures can resolve the key issue and prevent future occurrences. Until an individual becomes a new creation in Jesus, the result of their actions will always be death.
Enough sorrow for the moment. Let's talk about plausible solutions.