But now to the larger point. On May 30, I will be presenting a biblical moment of praise and worship in support of my pastor's vacation. The passage of choice is Philippians 2. 1-11. My approach is to start with the end and to work backwards. It is extremely easy in biblical study to start at the beginning and read to the end, having forgotten what the beginning actually was about! By forgetting the goal, the actions become de-contextualized and take on divergent possible meanings.
The final phrase of 2.11 is "eis doxan theou patros", to the glory of God the Father. Everything presented in the Kenosis Hymn of 2.6-11 is for this single purpose. Everything Paul asks of the church at Philippi in 2.1-5 is for this single purpose.
If God is eternal with no beginning and no end, then this purpose never ceases to direct the thoughts and actions of the Godhead or the church. When that purpose is out of focus then those proclaiming to be "of the Father" aren't.